An open letter to Joe Biden and everyone in Congress

I have been researching the political situation of the US since 2007, and there is something you need to understand.

The anger of the people who stormed the Capitol is the same anger of Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street.

Since 2008, all of the gains in the economy have gone to the top 10%, ALL of it, with all but a small fraction of those gains going to the top 1%. NOTHING for the bottom 90%!

Obama betrayed us.  He ran on “hope and change”, and we believed him. Unfortunately for us, the “change” was that instead of the very top getting MOST of whatever economic growth we had, they would instead get ALL of it. That was the “change”. The “hope” was that we would not notice that.

We noticed.

The result was Democrats lost seats at all levels of government from 2010 all the way to 2016, where we got Trump.  Obama almost lost in 2012, and probably would have if not running against Mr. Bain Capital.

If you do not act NOW to turn things around, it will happen again, and the next Trump will be much worse.

Do what Obama never did.  Forget the rich, they’re fine.  MAKE LIVES BETTER FOR THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS!

We may never get another chance to make this happen.

Ted Apelt

Land O Lakes, FL